Grow Your Own Seed - Starting a Community Seed Garden
Presented by Sara McCamant; Co-Founder: Community Seed Exchange, Sebastopol CA, USA at the 10th Annual Seed Library Summit, April 17, 2021. Presentation PDF
Community Seed Gardens
Seed Matters, a philanthropic branch of the Clif Bar Family Foundation, has put together some helpful resources on a community seed garden.
Seed Libraries with Community Seed Gardens:
Community Seed Exchange - Sebastopol, CA, USA
Fairfield Wood Seed-to-Seed Library - Fairfield, CT, USA
Community Seed Exchange - Sebastopol, CA, USA
Fairfield Wood Seed-to-Seed Library - Fairfield, CT, USA
Let's make our community gardens seed gardens. Community gardens, school gardens and even your personal garden can educate people about seed saving. Here are some signs you can print out for your garden or make some "Seed saving in progress" signs.
Stewardship in Schools
Imagine how culture would change if every school chose a few plants to steward - preferably the "super easy" things like beans, lettuce and peas. The students could share the seed and pass them from class to class year after year. Creating a culture of sharing, a new generation of seed savers and breeders with a deep appreciation for the value of good, healthy food and seed.
Imagine how culture would change if every school chose a few plants to steward - preferably the "super easy" things like beans, lettuce and peas. The students could share the seed and pass them from class to class year after year. Creating a culture of sharing, a new generation of seed savers and breeders with a deep appreciation for the value of good, healthy food and seed.